As a Former Abortion Doula, Here’s How I’m Facing the Dawn of a Post-Roe World

It’s been four years since I’ve written about reproductive rights and justice. I took that step back for many reasons, but the end of Roe compelled me to process the main way I know how—by writing.

Being a pro-choice doula was controversial within many birth activist circles. There were many conservative Christian midwives and doulas who didn’t think doulas should support people during abortions. In this moment, as those same conservative Christians have succeeded in removing the right to abortion access nationally, the political nature of that work is even more clear.

I wish I could say this piece has all the answers. It doesn’t.

But we will find a way forward, because we have to.

Read the full article at Truthout.

2 thoughts on “As a Former Abortion Doula, Here’s How I’m Facing the Dawn of a Post-Roe World

  1. Martha November 25, 2022 / 7:47 pm

    Just saw this. Your work is appreciated. I’m curious why “former” abortion doula? With this shift from automatic submission to legality, there are many doors open. Women have never needed permission to be our divine selves or to behave as fully capable beings. As with all things fertility, pregnancy, birth, and mothering, we’re programmed to submission. I see this release from legality as a blessing. Peace, radical birthkeeper Martha

    • MZP November 26, 2022 / 8:17 pm

      Hi Martha, I wouldn’t say it is a blessing, given that it means people in many states won’t be able to access the procedure safely. I agree that these things should be in our hands, but that is not the reality of the world we live in. Many people need assistance to end a pregnancy safely. But I say former abortion doula because I have not supported anyone in that capacity in many years. I still wholeheartedly support the work.

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