Radical Doula Profiles: Annana Mae

This is a series highlighting folks who identify as Radical Doulas. Are you interested in being part of the series? Go here to provide your responses to the profile questions and I’ll include you!

UntitledAbout Annana Mae: I am mama to a rockstar adult human, a writer, and always focused on making sure we have what we need in this life. I trained as a doula with DPB’s Orgasmic Birth, and love this perspective of birthing. I reside on un-ceded Abenaki land in central Vermont with my tiny kitten pal, Daisy and I tend the garden in every breath. You can reach me via email at lindsay.mae.wilson@gmail.com.

What inspired you to become a doula?
Why am I a doula? Because life is short, and babies are always coming, and parents deserve access to the care, support, and kind of life (birth, pregnancy, parenting, all of it) they want.

Why do you identify with the term radical doula?
Being a doula in service of the kind of care I believe in is a radical notion and a rebellious act. I believe in offering support to every facet of what people with uteruses need support for: fertility, pregnancy, loss, abortion, adoption, and parenting in a sustainable way.

What is your doula philosophy and how does it fit into your broader political beliefs?
I believe that no one birth experience is the right fit for everyone, and, I also believe that no matter what your birth view at the onset of pregnancy, there’s usually a lot of information to be gleaned in how different parts of life interact (your views, family views, income, the area you live in, and the care that you do receive…) that can impact the kind of birth you intend vs experience. Birth is a relationship for your family unit, and one that also comes with a lot of potential consideration. I have never seen a birth in our western culture without trauma, and, do my best in my role as a doula to offer support that helps create less trauma.

What is your favorite thing about being a doula?
My favorite things as a doula is to help families feel empowered with the energy and intuition to make the best choices for their needs and lifestyle so that they can enjoy their experience of birth.

If you could change one thing about the experience of pregnancy and birth, what would it be?
If I could change one aspect of pregnancy/birth, it will always be the same: more support. Access to doulas, to trauma-informed care, to informed care, to the 4th trimester.

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