Immigrant woman reunited with child after losing custody

A story I wrote about last June, looks like it finally has a happy ending. A year later, Cirila Baltazar Cruz has been reunited with her daughter.

Cirila gave birth in a Mississippi hospital, and initial reports indicated that the hospital staff deemed her unfit to be a parent because she couldn’t communicate with an interpreter. Cirila speaks an indigenous language from Oaxaca, explaining the  inability to communicate with a Spanish language interpreter.

So sad it took a year, but so happy for this mother and daughter to be reunited. According to the Native American Times, they are headed back to Mexico and the Mexican government has gotten involved.

A news release from Mexico’s Secretary of Foreign Affairs said Cruz’ situation was “a clear case of discrimination and violation of the most basic human rights of a Mexican citizen.”


Via VivirLatino

4 thoughts on “Immigrant woman reunited with child after losing custody

  1. Weaver March 24, 2010 / 2:23 pm

    this is fantastic! Thanks for posting about it. I really wasn’t holding out any hope that they would be reunited.

  2. Gaye Tannenbaum March 24, 2010 / 3:00 pm

    Wonderful indeed. This woman had nothing – except a LOT of friends who made a LOT of noise and wouldn’t stop until justice was served.

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