New York signs anti-shackling law

Governor Patterson signed a bill into law yesterday in New York State that outlaws the shackling of pregnant incarcerated women.

The anti-shackling law, signed Wednesday, requires correction officials statewide to transport pregnant women and those who have just given birth without using handcuffs and leg irons unless the inmate poses a major flight risk.

This is a big step forward to protecting the rights of pregnant incarcerated women. There has been a push to eliminate this practice of shackling, spearheaded by the Rebecca Project for Human Rights, a really great organization. Hopefully more states will follow suit.

For more on the practice of shackling pregnant incarcerated women, read Anna Clark’s piece over at RH Reality Check.

2 thoughts on “New York signs anti-shackling law

  1. Dot September 15, 2009 / 8:04 pm

    But does that mean that they’re still shackled while giving birth? That quote just specifies transport.

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